Computational engineering is an essential component of research that can benefit both the academic and industrial world; it will bridge the gap between the two and introduce new collaborations that will serve to move science and society many steps forward. The SimEA project aims to promote research that is compatible with the Smart Specialization Strategy of Cyprus (S3Cy) and the industry needs in Cyprus, as well as with current trends in research.
The SimEA ERA-chair was selected based on the criteria that he will bring the necessary know-how and leadership to add the missing component of computational engineering to CaSToRC. The ERA chair will utilize and upgrade the existing infrastructure to tackle modern research problems by employing both human and technological means to create a sustainable project that will surpass its current lifespan, thereby allowing CaSToRC to establish itself as a valuable asset to Cypriot society and academia.
Based on the scope of the SimEA project and the expertise of the ERA Chair, projects across the following five different research themes (RT) are envisioned. In all cases, the proposed methods/algorithms/simulations will be performed in collaboration with researchers from abroad, worldwide, the research network of the ERA Chair and his team. In addition, results from the multi-scale simulations and the application of AI technologies on specific materials/systems will be directly compared and validated against experimental data from the same systems, taken either from the literature or through collaboration with experimental groups.